This is Alexandria. Get used to her because I use her in A LOT of stories (Dricki and Nicki, even Beyonce fics). Unless stated.. each character is NOT connected to one of the same name in another story. Sometimes she's a daughter, sometimes a sister, sometimes the main character. I've been using variations of her in my writing since 7th grade.
Alex is now portrayed by the one and only Vanessa Morgan (My Babysitter's A Vampire) who I love to death. She's awesome and the same age as me and if you come for her EVER.. I will hunt you down. K Thanks!
Forever Onika
Dricki and Just Nicki Fan Fiction/ OneShots :) Enjoy.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
King Of The Jungle [OneShot]
I was just playing. Mufasa is Simba’s daddy,” Alex knew Audrey was mad confused
now. “Why you say mommy’s privates?” Audrey questioned and Alex looked at Nicki
for guidance. “She was just playing around sweetheart,” Nicki said rubbing
Audrey’s back. “You’re paying for this tonight,” Nicki quietly said and cut her
eyes at Alex who returned the look. Nicki put her free arm around Alex who
cuddled up to her inhaling her sent. Audrey put her head on Nicki’s chest, and
immediately started sucking her thumb. “Now y’all want to be sweet,” Nicki
laughed a little bit and gave them each a kiss. The front door opened and Alex
and Audrey both looked up to see their dad. “Daddy!” Audrey quickly slid off
Nicki’s lap and ran over to her father. “What’s up princess,” Drake said
picking her up. “Hi daddy,” Alex smiled and gave him a hug. “How are you baby
girl?” Drake couldn’t forget his older daughter. “The disrespect,” Nicki was
still sitting on the couch and with her arms crossed. “Let me give mama some
love too,” Drake carried Audrey over to the couch and sat down with her still
in his arms. “Hi babe,” he passionately kissed Nicki’s lips.
“Where am I supposed to sit,” Alex rolled her
eyes and Nicki motioned for her to come over with her pointer finger. “Alex,
sit on mommy’s lap,” Audrey looked up at her big sister. “Only you can do that
now peewee,” Alex took a seat next to Nicki again and put her arms around her,
Nicki smiled and rubbed her back. “You know what, come here babe,” Nicki pulled
Alex onto her lap who quickly put her head against her chest. Ever since Alex
was a baby, she had been attached to her mom, just like Audrey was with their dad.
“Two little sleepy lamb chops, y’all too much,” Nicki said just as Drake’s arm
draped around her shoulder. The family sat there together, Audrey with her head
on Drakes chest and Alex with her head on Nicki’s. Drake’s arm was around his
wife’s shoulder and they all ended up falling asleep, just like that. ![]() |
Audrey, 5 |
![]() |
Alex, 15 |
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Simple Gifts: Part 2
was dark inside, the only pieces of furniture in the living room were and old
couch that was worn out with a floor lamp next to it, a small wooden coffee
table with chipped finishing and an old TV. Nicki pondered a little bit and
walked around, scanning every inch of the little house she was to call home
now. Once she finished up with her little tour, she carefully took a seat next
to Drake on the couch and curled up putting her head on his chest. “Thank you,”
a small voice said and Drake looked down to see Nicki staring at him intently
with her beautiful honey brown eyes. “Like I said, it ain’t much but we can fix
it up and finally have us a place to call our home,” Drake’s soothing voice
made Nicki smile. “You hear that baby boy? You can have your own room and
everything!” Nicki rubbed her tummy a little bit. “Mmmh,” she shifted a little
as their unborn son moved around in her womb. “I guess he heard you,” Drake
chuckled and lifted Nicki’s shirt up a little, exposing her belly. He started
kissing it all over and Nicki softly let out a moan. “Aubrey you know I get
turned on quick so stop all of that,” she pushed Drake away and pulled her
shirt down. “I went to help you relax though, you know its mothers day right?”
Drake once again reached underneath Nicki’s shirt and caressed both her breasts
over her bra.
chuckled a little when Nicki started moving her hips a little bit. “You like
that?” he whispered in her ear. “Babe, we can’t,” Nicki breathed out. “The
doctor said, w-we can’t,” Nicki finished her sentence with a moan just as Drake
slipped two of his fingers in her pussy. “Lie back baby,” Drake was firm, yet
gentle with her just like old times. Nicki carefully rested her head on the arm
of the couch and got comfortable. Drake slid off her maternity jeans, tossing
them aside and then spread Nicki’s legs, letting them rest on his shoulders.
Drake licked his lips a little as he eyed his prize and then dove in. Nicki
shuddered with delight as she felt his tongue explore her walls and finally her
pearl. Drake spent the next 7 minuets gently pleasuring Nicki because he knew
she needed it. “Mmm damn papi,” she put her hand on the back of Drake’s head
pushing him in more. “You like that? I wish I could give you something bigger
baby,” Drake lay down a little in between her legs so she could feel his
hardness. “Please daddy?” the way Nicki asked almost sent Drake over the edge.
Drake gave into Nicki’s advances unzipped his
jeans. He reached in pulling out his already hard member and stroked it a
little bit. “If it hurts, tell me baby,” Drake said and nibbled on Nicki’s ear.
She nodded slowly and spread her legs more, letting Drake slide right in. Drake
made long strokes, getting deeper each time. “Ahhhh,” Nicki screamed and she
put her hands on her belly. “Damn girl, fuck,” Drake grunted as I pushed
himself in and out. Just seeing Nicki lying under him, pregnant and glowing
turned him on even more, there was just something. “Turn over, I got you baby,”
Drake said and Nicki nodded and slowly turned herself over so she was on her
knees. Not knowing how long Nicki would be able to last in this position Drake
got to work right away. “That ass is still, mmm,” Drake slapped Nicki’s ass and
she squealed a little. Drake reached around and held on to Nicki’s belly and
continued to fuck her nice and slow from the back. They both came together and
returned to their original position on the couch. “That was amazing baby, I
love you so much,” Nicki said in a sleepy voice. “You deserve it baby, you
deserve to be happy for at least a little while,” Drake responded gently
kissing her forehead.
as they were both drifting off to sleep Nicki looked up at Drake with a puzzled
expression. “Babe?” she asked softly. “Mmmhmm,” Drake responded pulling her
close again. “How come you did this for us? How you going to afford going to
school now?” Nicki was already starting to feel guilty. Drake opened his eyes
and turned Nicki’s head so she was looking right at him. “Baby listen to me
alright, this gift is for you, it’s a place for us that we can really call
home. Now our baby boy will have a home, he won’t have to deal with living on
the streets like we was,” Drake tried to explain and Nicki nodded her head,
still a little unsure. “I love you so much baby and thank you for making my
dream come true,” Nicki reached up and put her slender hand on Drake’s face.
“You’re welcome.” With that they fell asleep on the couch together, the first
night in their new little home.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Revamping My Stories
I'm losing my edge. I've been writing fan fiction since 7th grade (mostly Beyonce) but now I have quite a few Nicki/Dricki stories. Writers block is a biyotch... plus when I have it and try to write... the stories don't come out as descriptive as I want. I'll have something up hopefully soon!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Simple Gifts: Happy Mothers Day
Simple Gifts:
Happy Mothers Day
come on, we almost there,” Drake tried held his arm out for Nicki who was
struggling to walk behind him. “I’m tired,” she whined, stopping in her tracks
and rubbing her eyes, which were already red. “Ow,” Nicki groaned and Drake
quickly dropped the two bags he was carrying and went to her aid. “What is it?”
He put his hand on Nicki’s swollen belly. “He keeps fuckin kicking me!” She
snapped and doubled over a little bit. “Nic look, its right there okay? Just
hurry up before it starts pouring and you can sit,” Drake tried to coax Nicki
who shoved him away. Between their harrowing situation and Nicki’s current
hormones, Drake was almost at his wits end. He thought this little gesture he
had tried so hard for would make her forget about their troubles for a little
finally arrived at a small house at the end of the quiet dark street they had
been walking on. It really wasn’t much but it was theirs! “Whose house we
staying at now?” Nicki combed her fingers through her hair as they stopped in
front. Drake held up the keys and Nicki looked at him like he was insane. “We
ain’t got much I know,” Drake started and held up the two duffle bags he was
carrying to illustrate his point. “But this is all ours,” Drake quickly took
her hand and led her inside.
Part 2 Coming Soon...
This is the house...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Good Fortune Toby [Oneshot]
Good Fortune Toby
*NOTE* Got the title from Good Luck Charlie after the new baby (Toby) was born lmfao. I thought it was cute! Very short (sorry), comments HIGHLY appreciated! ENJOY..!
oh my gosh look,” Nicki stopped in front of a small pet store. “Want to go
inside?” Drake asked and smiled a little at her eagerness. Nicki grinned and
quickly went inside going straight to the puppy she had her eye on. The small dog
barked excitedly as Nicki bent down to pet him. Drake squatted down next to her
and rubbed the puppy’s head. “You’re so little and cute! I want to take you
home and eat you up!” The puppy licked Nicki’s nose and she giggled. Nicki had
always wanted a pet of her own since she was little but her family was never
able to afford it. “Stay here babe, I’ll be back,” Drake stood up and went to
find somebody who worked there.
how are you?” the woman was stocking a few pet supplies near the register area.
“Good and yourself?” Drake was polite. “Great! How can I help you,” she was
cheerful but anybody could tell it was forced. “My girlfriend is in love with
that puppy in the front and I was wondering how much he is?” “The little lab
mix? Is about $400,” she said and Drake nodded and wrote a check right then and
there. “Can I come back and get stuff for him? I just want to surprise her,”
Drake said quietly. “Of course, we’ll be open until 7,” the woman said and
Drake nodded.
like him don’t you?” Drake joined Nicki once again and she was rocking him in
her arms. “I wish I could have him,” she quietly said and sniffed. “Babe don’t
cry please, I have a surprise for you,” Drake sat down next to her on the
floor. “What would you name him? He’s going to need one since he’s yours now,”
Drake said and Nicki quickly looked up. “What?” she was speechless. The puppy
barked and started wagging his tail once again. “He’s mine?” Nicki quickly put
him back down in the enclosure. “Yep, all yours baby,” Drake kissed her head
and she smiled the biggest smile he had ever seen and quickly picked her new
puppy up again. “You hear that Toby?” She held him up and looked in his eyes
and he licked her nose once again. “Thank you so much baby!” Nicki was almost
beside herself.
huh? How exactly did you know I was going to get him for you?” Drake
questioned. Nicki decided to pick out everything she needed for Toby right then
and there out of excitement. “Shut up, we were going to be friends whether you
got him or not,” Nicki was already back to her old sassy self. They finished
shopping and headed back out to the range rover. Toby immediately pawed at the
window of the car as they drove and Nicki rolled it down a little for him. He
stuck his head out and watched the world go by, taking in every single smell.
Nicki laughed as she watched him. “Thank you getting him for me babe.” “You’re
welcome baby girl, I love you more than anything,” Drake said. They pulled up
to a red light and he leaned over and gave Nicki a kiss on the cheek.
Here's little Toby!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Before The Show: Oneshot
Before The Show
that was so amazing babe,” Nicki whispered out of breath. Drake kept his mouth
shut and just smiled a little bit pulling up his jeans and fixing his crew
neck. “I better get out there, have all your stuff out by the morning,” Drake
continued to get ready for his show. Nicki was so confused; she didn’t know
what was doing on. “What?” she stammered getting off the couch. “Have all your
stuff out by the morning,” Drake’s demeanor had changed. He wasn’t going to let
Nicki get to him this time, he was over it. “Excuse ME?” Nicki snapped. “I know about you and Safaree and that means
me and you are over, get your shit out of my house,” Drake spat back at her.
“Nothing happened, do you believe everything you read?” Nicki rolled her eyes.
Drake cornered Nicki and put both his arms up so she couldn’t escape. “Do you
not understand how much I love you Onika, I would do anything for you and then
I find out you still fuckin this nigga behind my back,” Drake held back his
tears. “Well I’m DONE, so get all your shit and get the fuck out of my house.
Don’t call me or text me, nothing!”
Nicki was in tears; she knew she had messed up this time.
please,” Nicki blinked trying to stop her tears from falling. “Don’t Aubrey me,
how long did you think you could pull this shit off?” Drake headed towards the
door of the dressing room ready to leave Nicki behind for good. “Aubrey STOP!”
Nicki snapped. “Look Onika, I can’t play this game anymore, I’m hurt and I
don’t have the time. I will always love you and you’ll always be my number one
but I have to go,” Drake leaned in and passionately kissed Nicki’s lips. “I
love you,” Drake let one tear escape his eye as he walked out of the dressing
room leaving Nicki on the floor in complete despair.
**I'm Sorry #Team Dricki.. I'll make it up to you** <3
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